Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarships

Applications for the 2023 Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship are now open, with a due date of 31 August 2023. Download: Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarships Application The scholarship program is one of Australia's most prestigious and sustained gifts of its kind, resulting in over $3m being granted to more than
225 architects, students, and graduates since 1951. The scholarship promotes travel and research in cities and communities around the world, with scholars returning to share their research with colleagues, councils, and communities.

For over 65 years, Byera Hadley's legacy has helped NSW architects, graduates, and students stay current and connected with the world. To access past reports prepared by Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship alumni, visit our extensive research archive .  The research reports are all graphic-rich, and some files can be large, designed to pop up in a separate window, allowing you to download them for reading later on your own device.

But who was Byera Hadley? Hadley was a distinguished educator and NSW architect who built one of the finest schools of architecture in the Empire during his tenure as the Lecturer-in-Charge of the architecture course at Sydney Technical College. He is credited with gaining Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) recognition of the course, which gave post-1923 graduates exemption from the RIBA examinations. As an architect in private practice, Hadley drew from a wide range of revival styles in his designs for significant urban and suburban commissions, including two town halls, several multi-story city warehouses, numerous suburban churches, and Sydney University's original Wesley College and chapel.

Hadley's greatest contribution to NSW architecture remains his insistence on the importance of travel in Australian architectural training. In 1928 and 1929, he sponsored two £25 scholarships through the Board of Architects of NSW. The success of these must have provided the catalyst for his 1937 Byera Hadley bequest.

For more information on the scholarship program or to address any queries, email the board at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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