APE Document Formats

When applying for APE Parts 1 & 2 or Part 3, you must ensure that you submit your application in the following format.

Document 1

  • Logbook PDF generated via the AACA online Logbook Portal including:
    • APE Competency Summary (page 1)
    • Non-Project Hours (page 2)
    • List of Projects and Experience Allocation (page 3)
    • Performance Criteria Summary (page 4)
    • Detailed project pages (from page 5 onwards).
  • Statement of Practical Experience (SoPE) including:
    • 1-page summary Curriculum Vitae (CV). Your CV is not included in the 2000- 3000 word count. Your submission will be rejected if your CV is more than 1 page.
    • 2000-3000 word detailed description of at least 2 projects. Your submission will be rejected if your detailed description of projects exceeds 3000 words.

    Every project in your SoPE must be verified by an appropriate person.

    Where experience has been gained in an architectural firm under architect supervision, every verification must state “I confirm the candidate’s description of the project and the candidate’s involvement” and include the relevant supervising architect’s full name and State/Territory architect registration number.

    Where experience has been gained under the supervision of an individual who is not a registered architect in Australia, such as work in an allied field, work overseas, or independent work, every verification must state “I confirm the candidate’s description of the project and the candidate’s involvement” and include the supervisor’s, or other professional’s, or client’s name, relevant professional credentials and contact details. Clients should only be relied on for verification as a last resort.

    If you are unable to obtain a verification from your supervising architect, other supervisor, other professional, or client, you must still provide the name and contact details of that person together with an explanation for why the verification could not be obtained.

  • APE Performance Criteria Report downloaded from the AACA website and completed. (This is not included in the 2000-3000 word count for your SoPE)
  • References if required (for allied industry employees and sole-practitioners)

    If you are logging experience gained not as an employee of an architectural firm under the supervision of an architect, you must include references from two employers. At least one reference should be from a referee within your current workplace. References should note the projects where the referee worked with you and your applied level role in those projects.

    If you are logging experience gained while self-employed, you must include references from 2 professionals within the construction industry that you have worked closely with, such as a structural engineer, builder, or other consultant or (as a last resort) the client. References should note the projects where the referee worked with you and your applied level role in those projects.


Document 2

  • A copy of your MArch Degree Testamur or letter/certificate of completion of an alternative pathway. You must ensure that the full face of the testamur or letter of completion of an alternative pathway is submitted. The academic qualification must be specifically mentioned in the NSW Statutory Declaration. Alternatively, you may provide a copy of the degree testamur or letter of completion of an alternative pathway that is certified by a Justice of the Peace
  • Evidence of your legal name. You must lodge your application in your legal name and provide evidence of that legal name (eg. Drivers Licence or Birth Certificate – 100 points of ID is not required)
  • Evidence of change of name, if relevant. If your academic qualification or letter of completion of an alternative pathway no longer reflects your legal name, you must provide evidence of your name change such as a Marriage Certificate or Change of Name Certificate issued by the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages. The Certificate of Name Change must be specifically mentioned in the NSW Statutory Declaration. Alternatively, you may provide a copy of the certificate that has been certified by a Justice of the Peace.
  • NSW Statutory Declaration signed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or Legal Practitioner that declares that the documents are true and correct records of your architectural experience and qualification.

    Your submission will be rejected if your NSW Statutory Declaration is not properly witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or Legal Practitioner. Your submission will be rejected if you rely on a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration.


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W: www.architects.nsw.gov.au