Leftover Space: Urban sensibilities

Andrew Daly / 2011

Urban Design, Public Space

A study of ‘left over’ urban spaces; laneways, pocket spaces, undercrofts, carparks and their uses. It identifies that some of the world’s most densely developed cities are defined not by monuments, but their approach to the fine grain and in-between spaces.

Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanazawa and Osaka are studied, where ambiguous, left-over spaces are integral to the urban fabric. Through the lens of these four Japanese cities this research aims to show how ‘boundaryless’ left-over spaces could be better utilized in Australian cities.

Through a series of documentation exercises using drawings, films and images chronicled in the report and website (www.andrewdaly.com.au/theleftbehind- project), and studying examples of successful re-appropriations of these spaces, this research aims to add to the broader understanding of the potential of these spaces to contribute to our cities.

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